Saturday, April 18, 2009


So, I was in the hardware store today, and I don't normally go in for the whole feminism thing, but I have to ask this -- what in the world do men find so amusing about a woman being in a hardware store by herself? I mean, I ask you -- WHAT is so funny about that? I was looking for doorknobs (because, gosh, I don't know, sometimes people just need things for the house -- I can see how that's just hilarious), and these two guys kept looking at me and kind of smiling and laughing. I tried to ignore it for a little bit, but they didn't stop looking at me, so of course I got mad. I grew up with a father who didn't treat women like that, so it's difficult for me to comprehend that level of idiocy. So I finally just asked them if I could help them with something, because they seemed interested in what I was doing, and then they left. I think it embarrased them, because I said it kind of loud. It made me feel good inside. Sometimes a woman's got to take a stand. I mean, for crying out loud, I'm 35 years old, and I realize I may look like I'm 12, but I should still be able to go into a store and not get visually harrassed by some swine male who thinks I'm out of place for trying to fix up my home. I got back to the house and told my rubber chicken all about it over a cup of coffee. Little Jimmy never makes fun of me (despite what Becky says in her blogs, he's a good companion, and he comes in handy when we have to do skits in church that involves butchers...)

On a less venemous note, I heard the other day that this is National Tell A Joke month (I'm not sure if that's really true, or if someone was just playing a joke on me), so let me end with a joke that I have found humorous:

"This guy walks into a bar. It really hurt. "

HA! I love that joke!


  1. I never said Little Jimmy was not a good companion. I said you were insane. Which I believe is validated by the fact that you sit around and have "conversations" with Little Jimmy...

  2. that's my girl. stand up for yourself. But don't be too hard on those guys out there. you'll never get a husband.

  3. Wow, You and Little Jimmy have coffee another note, most men are idiots, they can't help it, I am currently raising a miniature idiot as we speak...
