Monday, June 22, 2009

I Learned Something New Today...

Wow, it's been a while since I last blogged (that word sounds like such a disease). I didn't think it had been that long. Well, here I am, still above ground. I found out a few weeks ago that I passed my CIC, so I'm one happy chickadee! I treated myself to a steak dinner when I found out.

So I learned something new at work the company bathrooms, there are two toilet paper holders on the walls, and the janitors are always kind enough to leave extra rolls of toilet paper in case one on the wall should go empty. I have been at the company for four years, and I have never figured out how to change the toilet paper roll on the holder. It doesn't sound hard, but you have not seen these holders. I could not figure out how to get the holder detached from the unit so I could put the new roll on. I could see the little bar that connected the holder to the unit, but no matter how hard I tried, I could not get the little bar to unhook. I would pull on it as hard as I could (one day, I even strained a musle in my neck), but it just wouldn't work. Sometimes, I'd be talking to other people in the company, and someone would bring up the toilet paper rolls in the bathrooms and would complain that others were not changing the rolls when one went empty. They'd be like, "I don't understand why people don't just change the toilet paper rolls when one runs out," and I'd be all, "Oh I know, some people are so lazy," but secretly, I was filled with shame, because I knew I was one of them, and I was too embarrased to ask how to change them. But today, I finally figured it out on my own. It's ridiculous, because you have to actually rip the old roll off the holder and then push in on this springy thing to get it off. I've never seen toilet paper so guarded. Maybe the company is afraid some of the employees will try to pilfer the TP when no one's looking. Not that I could blame them if they did -- times are hard...

I was going to try to blog yesterday, it being Father's Day and all, but I didn't quite make it. We had a good day, watched some home videos with dad in them, and then we went to his grave to give him some flowers. I haven't read Becky's blog yet, but I am going to defend myself right now, because she already stated she was going to try to disparage me by making me sound all callous because I was admiring the hanging baskets on someone else's grave. True, I may have made a stray comment about trying to take one home when no one was looking, but it was all in jest. Besides, everyone else was thinking it, I was the only one who had the guts to say it. You can't believe Becky sometimes -- she gets her facts mixed up.

So anyway, just wanted to wish Dad a happy Father's Day, and to say....Naugahyde, Dad. Naugahyde.