Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Bad Day

It is 8:57 on Tuesday, March 31st, I'm watching American Idol, eating Oreos, and I can't believe I'm actually blogging. "Blog" reminds me of a sound someone makes when their tongue is too lazy to form an actual word, so when Shelley asked me to get involved in this, I was leery. The idea of putting my thoughts down for people to read causes me some discomfort, mainly because people laugh at my thoughts most of the time. We'll see how it goes...

I got home an hour ago after a fairly taxing day. I woke up this morning with the intention of getting an early start. When I looked at the clock, I realized I woke up late. A word immediately formed in my head that, although not a swear word, would probably be considered somewhat distasteful. I got ready (had a bad hair day today), ran out of the house, ran back in the house because I forgot to open the garage door, ran back out of the house, ran back in the house because I forgot to put more food in my cat's dish, ran back out of the house, got in the car and left. Hit a mirror on the way out of the garage. Spent the day visiting agents in the Columbus/Lancaster area. When I got to the first agency, I realized I forgot my notebook and all my business cards. Not a great impression.

Got through the day, headed back home around 5:00. Took a wrong turn. Got back on the right road (ran over someone's plastic trash can during the turn-around. It looked like it popped back into shape, so I didn't stop). By the time I got close to home, I was hungry, so I went through a drive-through. The food came to $7.42. I gave the guy $5. He said, "It's $7.42," so I took back the bill, went through my purse, and gave the guy $5. He looked at me like I was an idiot, and I then realized I still had the other $5 in my hand. I meant to give him both of them. So I said, "Oh, I'm sorry," took the $5 out of his hand, then handed both the $5 bills back to him. He was right. I am an idiot. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I finally got home, was feeling pretty bad about myself, so I sat down to play the piano. I played the first 7 or 8 measures of Fur Elise. I messed up three times. Then I turned on American Idol and saw some blind guy singing a Billy Joel song WHILE PLAYING THE PIANO. As if I didn't already feel lower than a snake's belly in a wagon track. And now, I just realized that NCIS comes on at 8:00, not 9:00, so I missed the show. I'm going to go drown my sorrows in some seedless grapes. Thus ends my first blog.